What Are These Big Black Ants In My Cypress Texas Home?

What Are These Big Black Ants In My Cypress Texas Home?

Carpenter Ants Big Black Ants

What are Carpenter ants?

Ever seen wood shavings on the floor ? Maybe some small tunnels in the wood around your home? Carpenter Ants are known to remove and tunnel their way through wood to create nests. These ants use there mouthparts to create smooth tunnels through wood resulting in small fine wood shavings.

Mature western black carpenter ant colonies contain about 20,000 ants, bigger colonies can be close to 40-50,000 ants. It takes upwards of 2 years for a Carpenter Ant Colony to produce Swarmers. Depending on where you are in the United States you may see swarms of these ants anywhere from May until August.

Big Black Ants , How To Get Rid of Them?

For Succesful treatment for Carpenter Ants it is suggested to use a trained professional. Specialty tools are required for complete eradication of an infestation, which can leave you the homeowner out some heavy change if self treatment is attempted. In addition to this all customers receive a 200% satisfaction guarantee , please don’t hesitate to give Sunbelt Pest Control a call at 713-331-5530. 

What do Carpenter Ants Eat?

The food sources of Carpenter ants can differentiate on the liquids that aphids and insects can produce called honeydew. Carpenter ants are often mistaken as “ants that eat wood” but that is not true. Carpenter Ants use their mouthparts to create smooth tunnels and to create a safe place for nesting.

Can Carpenter Ants affect Humans?

Carpenter ants don’t have the same pain affect that a fire ant can bring . When a Carpenter ant colony gets provoked these ants can have a mild bite followed by a release of formic acid creating a stinging sensation. Carpenter ants main goal isn’t to bite you and most of the time aren’t harmful to Humans.

Do Carpenter Ants Fly?

Common Carpenter Ants cannot fly but if a colony has existed for over 2 years they will have the ability to produce winged swarmer ants. These ants main goal is to establish a new colony to further the carpenter ant population . However swarmer ants don’t make the greatest flyers and are often found not far from there original colony.

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