Mosquitoes are Ruining Your Backyard in Katy,Tx

Mosquitoes are Ruining Your Backyard in Katy,Tx

Have you become an expert in slapping mosquitos? Do you ever get run outta your backyard?  Despite these guys being annoying pests you should be able to enjoy your backyard. First of all with the humid weather in Katy, Tx we know how aggravating the outdoors can be. Certainly you don’t need mosquitos attacking you as well.

Without a doubt if you haven’t been bitten by a mosquito consider yourself lucky, because thats a miracle! They’re are about 200 different mosquitos species found throughout the United States. In addition quite a few of these mosquitos can spread multiple dieseases.

Texas Mosquito Species And Associated Diseases

They’re 5 commonly found mosquitos in Texas. In addition These Mosquitos all can carry infectious diseases.

The “Asian Tiger Mosquito” often called the “Yellow Fever Mosquito” are known for they’re ability to carry Yellow fever disease.

Heart worm is found in one of the most commonly found mosquitos in the United States called the “Upland Flood Water Mosquito”.

Soggy pasture lands and rice farm areas are known breeding grounds for the “Dark Rice Field Mosquitos“. These mosquitos can carry encephalitis and definitely shouldn’t be overlooked.

Another carrier of disease, also know to be the main carrier of the west nile virus is the “Southern House Mosquito”.

The “Eastern Saltmarsh Mosquito” is more of a golden color and they are also known for carrying diseases such as heart worm and Eastern Equine Encephalitis.

Diseases Mosquitoes can Carry

  • Encephalitis 
  • Dengue
  • Yellow Feve
  • Dog Heart worm’
  • Chikungunya 
  • West Nile
  • Zika
  • Malaria
  • Western Equine Encephalitis
  • Chagas
  • St. Louis Encephalitis

Why is Seasonal Mosquito Control Important?

You shouldn’t have to surrender and allow the mosquitos to have full control of your back yard. Let Sunbelts Pest Management Professionals allow you the piece and relaxation you absolutely deserve. On the other hand we know not every house is the same. However Sunbelt professionals can help design a custom tailored pest management plan to help eradicate your issue.

Obviously 100% mosquito elimination is impossible even when using a trained professional.  In addition, Sunbelts Pest Management Professionals focus on key harborage areas around your home to help eliminate conducive mosquito conditions. It is recommended to treat on a monthly basis during the warmer months to provide succesful mosquito control.

How Much Does Mosquito Treatment Cost?

Depending on the size of the area as well the level of the situation, prices varies. At this time for around $45-$55 monthly we offer a mosquito suppression service. In addition to this Mosquito larvicide Elimination buckets cost around $33. Furthermore for year round extreme eradication of mosquitos we also provide Mosquito Misting systems. These systems can be installed seamlessly around your house and yard and without a doubt provide some of the greatest mosquito control. Systems start around $1800  and can go up depending on the difficulty and length of the system. Please don’t hesitate to give us a call for a free estimate at 713-331-5530 !

Mosquito Misting Systems:




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